European Association of Public Banks (EAPB)

Since May 2005, Bulgarian Development Bank is a member of the European Association of Public Banks. The organization is one of the most prestigious associations of credit institutions in Europe. Its members are over 90 financial institutions from 17 countries working in the sector of public-private investments, with overall total assets of over EUR 3.4 bn and 15% market share of the European financial sector.

The association was established in 2000 to represent the specific interests of national banks, development banks and other financial institutions at the European level. EAPB prepares analyzes and takes part in the discussion of important legislative issues related to credit institutions and their supervision, capital markets, bond markets, taxation, civil law and others. The association has an essential role in the process of creating European legislation. The management of EAPB reflects the diverse strengths of its members and their shared commitment to collaborate and deliver innovative solutions that actively contribute to the well-being and advancement of Europe. Membership in EAPB facilitates the exchange of experience and best practices between BDB and other European public banks.

In June 2024, the Executive Director of the Bulgarian Development Bank, Iliya Karanikolov, was elected for a second time as a member of the Administrative Board of the European Association of Public Banks.

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