

подписване на споразумение

European Commission and BDB sign new guarantee agreement for €40 million to support SMEs

Investments in the Bulgarian business amounting to over BGN 2.5 billion (around € 1.2 billion) will be supported by the...

See more ➔ 16.07.2024
ББР отчита намаляване на парниковите емисии за 2023 г.

BDB reports greenhouse gas emission reductions in 2023

The Bulgarian Development Bank's greenhouse gas emissions in 2023 have decreased by 16 tonnes of CO2 equivalent compared...

See more ➔ 05.07.2024
Министър Карадимов: Българската банка за развитие ще подкрепи държавни и общински болници

Minister Karadimov: Bulgarian Development Bank will support state and municipal hospitals

The Bulgarian Development Bank will support state and municipal hospitals. According to its new strategy the Bank will...

See more ➔ 04.07.2024
ББР се допитва до пазара относно гаранционни продукти по програмата InvestEU

BDB is consulting market on guarantee products under InvestEU

As a result of the successful negotiations with the European Commission in which the Bulgarian Development Bank was...

See more ➔ 02.07.2024
Цанко Арабаджиев, Green Transition

Tsanko Arabadzhiev: BDB has a long-term goal to support the green transition of the economy

‘The Bulgarian Development Bank will offer new opportunities to support small and medium-sized businesses. As an...

See more ➔ 27.06.2024
среща отбранителна индустрия

Minister Karadimov: BDB will serve defence companies

The Bulgarian Development Bank is a natural partner for companies in sectors that are strategic for Bulgaria. The newly...

See more ➔ 25.06.2024
Traveler getting ready for a trip

Hotel management platform Quendoo has attracted funding from BDB Capital Investment Fund

Hotel and vacation property management company Quendoo has become part of the Capital Investment Fund's portfolio. This...

See more ➔ 24.06.2024
среща ELTI

BDB participates in a forum of the European Long Term Investors Association (ELTI)

The Executive Officer of the Bulgarian Development Bank, Iliya Karanikolov, took part in a meeting of the senior...

See more ➔ 24.06.2024
Снимка Стефан Тъмнев и Цанко Арабаджиев

The fund that opens doors to new opportunities

Capital's STORiO project tells the story of the Bulgarian Development Bank Group's Capital Investments Fund, which helps...

See more ➔ 17.06.2024
Rosen Karadimov

If the criterion is that the Bulgarian Development Bank makes profits, how will it differ?

We start from a new philosophy – the bank is an instrument for the public policies of the state through a market...

See more ➔ 11.06.2024
Илия Караниколов

Iliya Karanikolov was re-elected as a member of the Board of the European Association of Public Banks

Iliya Karanikolov, Executive Director of the Bulgarian Development Bank (BDB), has been re-elected to the Board of the...

See more ➔ 04.06.2024
бизнесмен разглежда документи в офис пространство

BDB's large credit exposures

On the occasion of the comments that have appeared once again, related to the large loans taken by the current...

See more ➔ 31.05.2024
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