Bulgarian Development Bank launched a program of direct loans for micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises that submitted project proposals under the Economic Transformation Program of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, “Smart Industry” component, “Technological Modernization” procedure. Financing is up to BGN 2,000,000, covering up to 100% of the costs, VAT exclusive.

Program for technological modernization of SMEs
For companies with economic transformation projects under the “Smart Industry” component
Target group
For micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises that:
✔ Develop activities in high-tech production or services with intensive use of knowledge, or collection, management and recycling of waste;
✔ Have completed the 2019, 2020 and 2021 financial years and for the three years have a total realized net sales income of no less than BGN 210,000;
✔ Are not in a state of insolvency or over-indebtedness, are not in bankruptcy or liquidation proceedings, have no pending enforcement proceedings and public debts;
✔ At the time of signing the contract, they have positive equity and have no transactions with financial institutions in arrears.

Specifics of the program
✔ Financing up to 100% of the costs, VAT exclusive;
✔ Financing of project proposal costs incurred before the date of submission of the project proposal is not permitted;
✔ Refinancing of already invested funds for the project investment is permissible, as long as the costs were incurred after the date of submission of the project proposal;
✔ Compliance with the principle of “do no significant harm” to the environment.