China Development Bank
In October 2009 BDB signed a Loan agreement with China Development Bank in the amount of EUR 5 million. The funds under the loan are intended for direct lending to important of Bulgarian Economics projects of small and medium-sized enterprises.
In May 2017, BDB signed a second loan agreement with China Development Bank in the amount of EUR 80 million. The contracted funds will be used for providing investment and working capital loans as well as credit lines for Bulgarian companies, borrowers of BDB. The resources can also be used by BDB to support strategic projects within the “One Belt, One Road” Initiative.
In July 2018, BDB signed an EUR 1.5 billion framework agreement with China Development Bank at the Marble Hall of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria.
It has set the guidelines to the future cooperation between BDB and CDB, including a financing under the “One Belt, One Road” initiative for the upcoming 5 years. The agreement between the two financial institutions was part of the official agenda of the Seventh Annual Meeting of China’s and CEE’s Heads of Government.