04.10.2022 BBB presented its financial and guarantee products at SIM Expo 2022
The Bulgarian Development Bank was a partner of the SIM Expo 2022 international conference, which took place on October 3rd and 4th in Sofia. The event was organized by the Bulgarian Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion Agency together with the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Active participants in the forum were the CEO of the Bulgarian Development Bank (BDB), Mr. Tsanko Arabadzhiev, and the CEO of the Capital Investment Fund of the BDB Group, Mr. Stefan Tamnev. They presented the Bank's opportunities to provide financial and investment support to small and medium-sized businesses.
"The biggest problem of entrepreneurs is the lack of collateral. At the BDB, we are actively working to support them and facilitate the development of their businesses through guarantees from the European institutions we partner with," Arabadzhiev stressed. In the next programming period, the Bank will participate in the InvestEU programme, planned as a major instrument of the European Commission with a focus on sustainable development, small businesses and innovation.
"In this type of financing, the guarantee for businesses will have the highest limit and therefore the lowest collateral," the Bank's CEO added. The Bank also offers financing under the current Pan-European Guarantee Fund programme – products for small and medium-sized businesses, creative industries and start-ups, which are in high demand.
The CEO of the Capital Investment Fund, Stefan Tamnev, presented the opportunities for private equity investment to support business growth. "The Fund is working on new projects in an advanced phase, and in two weeks we will announce another interesting deal," said Mr. Tamnev.
The new Business Booster digital platform, which the BDB launched in September, comes as a helping hand to drive greater efficiency and access to businesses anywhere in Bulgaria.