01.06.2021 BDB has provided the requested information to the Audit Committee
The Bank will comply with the proposed amendments to the Articles of Association
The Governing Board of the Bulgarian Development Bank has provided detailed financial information to the members of the new Audit Committee.
The bank has also sent a query to the Commission for Public Supervision of Registered Auditors and the Bulgarian National Bank on the Audit Committee’s rights of access in connection with the provision of information on the credit exposures of the bank group that is the bank’s business secret.
For the sake of transparency and until the implementation and due registration of the draft amendments to the bank’s Articles of Association proposed by the Minister of Economy, BDB will comply with the requirements proposed in the new document, and lending will be limited to exposures to a single client or a group of associated clients for amounts up to BGN 5,000,000. This limit shall not apply to credit institutions.