22.04.2024 Minister Karadimov: In a month and a half we will elaborate the new strategy of the Bulgarian Development Bank

In 2024, nearly BGN 1 billion will go to Bulgarian businesses under the two EU programmes under the Ministry of Innovation and Growth.

In a month and a half, we will work out the new strategy of the Bulgarian Development Bank. We are forming a working group that will include key ministries, trade unions, employers, municipalities and experts. The BDB can be a powerful market partner for the state to participate in key sectors where the public sector cannot intervene. This was stated by the Minister of Innovation and Growth Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rosen Karadimov in the Face-to-Face programme on BTV.

He stressed that the new strategy should be prepared in accordance with the BDB Act. "The bank should serve strategic and structural sectors," Karadimov said, giving the example of hospitals. He said the BDB could finance their debts, thus not burdening the state budget, and the bank as a creditor would control the hospitals’ costs.

Minister Karadimov said that in a year and a half the BDB had become one of the most transparent institutions in the country. "To establish full transparency in the Ministry of Innovation and Growth, I will make a similar form of the Advisory Board that I have set up in the bank so that there is public scrutiny, monitoring of procedures within the law, working out measures, procedures and criteria," he explained.

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