11.01.2024 Rosen Karadimov: With the help of BDB, small and medium-sized companies can use billions of leva

The Bulgarian Development Bank developed its key financial programme for lending to small and medium-sized businesses with the help of its Advisory Council, in which the five nationally representative employers’ organizations, the two national trade unions and the National Association of Municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria (NAMRB) participate. Five meetings of the Council have already been held, and the participants receive regular information about the various financial instruments of the bank. This was announced by the Chairman of BDB’s Supervisory Board, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rosen Karadimov, in the “Face to Face” journalistic show on bTV.

He emphasized that the bank’s priority is to ease the business access to financing for projects under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), as well as the use of EU funds.

“We have the opportunity to provide 100% financing for enterprises that have won projects, but have not yet received funds for them. After the funds are reimbursed under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan or European Programmes, the companies will repay them to the bank,” Karadimov added.

According to him, BGN 29 million have already been used from the budget under this programme, which is in the amount of BGN 60 million.

“The Recovery Plan has not yet entered its key phase, when billions of leva can be disbursed with the help of the bank. Thus, enterprises that do not have the money in advance can start on equal terms with those that have it,” the Chairman of BDB’s Supervisory Board said.

The bank is also working on another programme related to the National Recovery and Resilience Plan - for working capital financing of construction companies that have concluded a contract for the execution of construction and installation works by Grant Agreements under national and European programmes.

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