Free resource for on-lending financing through partner banks provided by the German Development Bank KfW
Total amount of funding: EUR 2 526 748.93
Maximum exposure to a bank: up to EUR 1,022,584 (BGN equivalent: BGN 2,000,000); no limit as to the number of loans with partner banks
Interest rate for on-lending financing: negotiable and according to BDB's internal regulations
Target utilization: for subsequent lending to SMEs - clients of the banks.
- Eligible for subsequent financing are: micro, small and medium-sized enterprises with over 50% private participation; maximum exposure to one borrower - up to EUR 51,129;
- Maximum amount for SMEs with up to 50 employees (investment and working capital loans) - EUR 51,129;
- Maximum amount for SMEs with up to 20 employees (working capital loans) - EUR 25,565;
- Loan period: from 2 months to 3 years;
- Other conditions: as approved by the Ministry of Finance;
- Loan agreement with the partner bank and specific agreements reached with BDB.