Leasing Line On-lending Program
Отворена покана до небанковите финансови институции, предоставящи активи на финансов лизинг
Open invitation
Bulgarian Development Bank has launched a new on-lending program, through which it aims to ease the lease terms related to purchasing of machinery and equipment for micro, small and medium enterprises. Under the program for indirect financing "Leasing line", non-banking financial institutions will be able to apply. In turn, they will provide the resources to Bulgarian companies from the sector of micro, small and medium business, which want to purchase movable property.
The non-bank financial institutions interested in a partnership with BDB, which are registered with the Bulgarian National Bank and have "financial lease" as their scope of business, may express their interest in participating in the "Leasing Line" program at externalprogrammes@bdbank.bg or at BDB’s headquarters at 1 Dyakon Ignatii Str., 1000 Sofia.
Open call and more information can be found here (available only in BG).
For more information:
External Programs Division
E-mail: externalprogrammes@bdbank.bg
Phone: 02/9306 391, 02/9306 364