Interest-free loans for individuals on unpaid leave and self-employed
The program is created to support employed and self-employed individuals, farmers, and seasonal workers who have ceased activity.
The program changes adopted by the Council of Ministers in December 2020 provide an opportunity to support more people, including those who were once on unpaid leave, were left without an employment contract, and were referred to public employment services.
The BDB program provides more opportunities for the inclusion of also seasonal workers and young people who started their employment in 2020, who have at least 3 months of employment between January 1st, 2020 and the loan application date.
The banks that provide loans under the program are:
• Allianz Bank (has already reached its resource limit and is not accepting any more applications as of 12th August 2021)
• DSK Bank (has already reached its resource limit and is not accepting any more applications as of 21th June 2021)
• Investbank (renewing the acceptance of applications starting from 29th March 2021) - The term for applying for an interest-free loan is extended until 31.08.2021 or until the expiration of the guarantee limit for financing by Investbank AD under the Program, (whichever occurs earlier)
• International Asset Bank (has already reached its resource limit and is not accepting any more applications)
• First Investment Bank (not accepting any more applications from 14th June 2021)
• Municipal (has already reached its resource limit and is not accepting any more applications)
• D Commerce Bank (has already reached its resource limit and is not accepting any more applications)
• Unicredit Bulbank (has already reached its resource limit and is not accepting any more applications as of 8th June 2021)
• United Bulgarian Bank (has already reached its resource limit and from 13th may 2021 is not accepting any more applications)
• Central Cooperative Bank (renewing the acceptance of applications starting from 16th April 2021) - The term for applying for an interest-free loan is extended until 31.08.2021 or until the expiration of the guarantee limit for financing by Central Cooperative Bank AD under the Program, (whichever occurs earlier)
• Postbank (not accepting any more applications from 13th August 2021)
• Raiffeisenbank (has already reached its resource limit and is not accepting any more applications as of 6th July 2021)
The requirements on the applicants can be found here (Available only in BG)
BDB Declaration Form 1 that the information and documents submitted by registered freelancers and/or artisans or by farmers are comprehensive as to the decline in income can be found here (Available only in BG)
BDB Declaration Form 2 can be found here (Available only in BG)