The BDB is preparing an extension of the natural persons program
Partnering banks will temporarily stop accepting applications until the official adoption of the changes to the program budget
The Bulgarian Development Bank submitted a proposal to the Ministry of Economy for an extension of the program for interest-free loans to natural persons who are temporarily unable to work due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The changes reflect the context of the increasingly complex pandemic situation and aim to provide additional financial resources to meet the ongoing and active demand for interest-free loans under the program.
Since the guarantee limits have been met, part of the partnering commercial banks under the program will temporarily stop accepting applications by candidates. New applications will still be accepted in branches of Investbank and D Commerce Bank. The program aims to support employed and self-insured individuals, agricultural producers and seasonal workers who have stopped their activities. After the interim changes, the BDB guarantees loans of up to BGN 6,900 and provides opportunities for loans to Bulgarian citizens who have been on unpaid leave due to the pandemic and are currently unemployed during the restrictive anti-pandemic measures.
The maximum repayment period is 5 years, with a grace period of at least 6 months and at most 24 months. The loans are free of fees, charges, and penalties.