Support for the teams of the Sofia High School of Mathematics
The Bulgarian Development Bank has turned its support for the teams of the Sofia High School of Mathematics for their participation in international competitions and Olympiads in Mathematics, Informatics and Physics into a long-standing tradition. BDB’s support has allowed them to take part in some of the most prestigious competitions, such as IMC in Thailand, IWYMIC (International World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition) in South Africa, PUMaC in the USA, the International Asian Olympiad in Indonesia, the International Mathematics Competition in South Corea, the Zhautykov International Mathematical Olympiad in Kazakhstan. The young mathematicians have won a total of 25 medals for Bulgaria, of which 10 gold, 7 silver and 8 bronze.
Over a course of six years, seven teams of the SHSM in three different age groups have had the opportunity to gain experience and prove their skills at competitions on an international level. The main objective of such events is to promote Mathematics, Informatics and Physics, draw young people to science, develop international cooperation and establish friendly relations between specialized schools all over the world.
Българска банка за развитие награди Атанас Атанасов със специална награда в категория „Млади откриватели“
Студентът от Нов Български Университет Атанас Атанасов взе специалната награда на Българска банка за развитие в категория „Млади откриватели“ от кампанията „Научните чудеса на България“.
Development banks from 13 countries presented their projects at a photo exhibition in Sofia
BDB presented in the Sofia City Garden a photo exhibition dedicated to key projects supported by development banks and public financial institutions from around the world.
BDB reminds Sofia residents who the first architect of the capital city is
For the 140th anniversary of the appointment of the first architect of Sofia, Antonin Vaclav Kolar, the Bulgarian Development Bank organized a campaign to commemorate his contribution to the construction of the capital as a European city.