Free resource under BDB’s Program for indirect financing of farmers who are members of mutual-aid credit cooperatives of private farmers
Starting budget of the program: up to BGN 15 million
Target group of borrowers: Mutual-aid credit cooperatives of farmers entered as financial institutions in the public register under Article 3a of the Credit Institutions Act.
Purpose and objectives: Providing investment and working capital financing to farmers, members of mutual-aid credit cooperatives for agriculture and/or rural development and/or fisheries and aquaculture and performing related and associated activities.
Maximum loan amount: BGN 1,500,000
Loan period: Up to 5 years, with the possibility of extension in the fourth year for another 5-year period
Interest rate: cost of borrowing funds under the Program: 6M EURIBOR + 3.5% (350 basis points) per year, but not less than 3.5% (350 basis points), calculated on the basis of Actual/360
The Bulgarian Development Bank invites the mutual-aid credit cooperatives of private farmers (Credit Cooperatives) to participate in its Indirect Financing Program.
In implementation of the Program, BNB-registered mutual-aid credit cooperatives of private farmers can apply for a loan from BDB, which they will subsequently have to use for targeted subsequent financing of the business activities of their members – private farmers and agricultural producers under such attractive terms and conditions and low interest rates as determined by BDB.
See more details about the program here (available only in BG)
For any questions and additional information:
External Programs Division
E-mail: externalprogrammes@bdbank.bg
Phone: 02/93 06 391, 02/9306 364