“Ludogorie” National folk fair
The Bulgarian Development Bank recognizes the preservation and promotion of the Bulgarian spiritual, cultural and historic heritage as a mission. The Bank supports initiatives furthering its objective, such as the Ludogorie National Folk Fair, held in 2015 in the Pchelina area.
The organizers of the fourth edition of the festival, which is held with the support of BDB, conducted a large-scale reconstruction of the ancient Thracian wedding, with which they participate in the "Guinness World Records". They compete in three categories:
- The longest wedding table;
- The wedding with the largest amount of guests;
- The largest wedding dish.
The main objective of the festival is to preserve the traditions and cultural values of different ethnic groups in the country, to provide conditions so that traditions are passed along to future generations, to foster cultural exchange, to promote the Razgrad region as a place of rich historical and cultural traditions. So far, the annual event has included recreations of the Bulgarian wedding ceremony from the "Time of Violence", a reconstruction of a Pomak wedding, kukeri games, demonstrations of fire dancing and various folklore events. The event traditionally attracts thousands of visitors, the entrance is free and all participants wear traditional national costumes.