Education and science

Innovation Academy held with BDB’s support
As part of its corporate philanthropy, BDB will support the implementation of Innovation Academy. This is the largest public-private educational partnership in the country between organizations from the private, academic, public, and NGO sectors.

Looking boldly to the stars
„В основата на просперитета, техническото развитие и научния прогрес на всяко общество са децата и степента на тяхната образованост“, вярват в Сдружениетона олимпийските отбори по природни науки , а и всички ние. Дарените от ББР средства ще бъдат използвани за участието им в международни олимпиади и състезания.

BDB supports the hidden talents of Bulgaria
10 момчета и момичета в неравностойно положение се готвят за кандидатстване през тази година благодарение на подкрепата, която получава гражданската организация "Плюшено мече".

Support for the “Study in order to work“ campaign
The national campaign “Study in order to work” aims to support Bulgarians in overcoming the gap between labour supply and demand in the country.

Support for the "Scientific Wonders of Bulgaria" campaign
The "Scientific Wonders of Bulgaria" campaign is a joint initiative of the "Standard" newspaper and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, which is being held for the first time in 2015.

Support for the teams of the Sofia High School of Mathematics
The Bulgarian Development Bank has turned its support for the teams of the Sofia High School of Mathematics for their participation in international competitions and Olympiads in Mathematics, Informatics and Physics into a long-standing tradition.