News related to the "Three Seas" initiative

BDB hosted investment panel within Three Seas Forum
„Инвестиции в инфраструктура за икономическо развитие и растеж“ е темата на дискусията, която се проведе днес в рамките на бизнес форума на инициативата „Три морета". Събитието бе открито с изказвания на министъра на икономиката Кирил Петков, национален координатор на инициативата, министъра на търговията на САЩ Джина Рeймондо и вицепрезидента на Европейската инвестиционна банка Лиляна Павлова. Модератор на инвестиционната дискусия беше главният икономист на Българската банка за развитие Илия Лингорски.

Iliya Lingorski: “The success of Three Seas will make Europe the largest and most developed economy in the world”
The success of the Three Seas initiative will turn Europe and the EU sustainably into the largest and most developed economy in the world in the next decade. This was the prediction of Bulgarian Development Bank’s chief economist Iliya Lingorski at the conference Three Seas – Unity, Innovation, Connectivity that was held yesterday in Sofia. The event was opened by President Rumen Radev as part of the Bulgarian presidency of the regional connectivity initiative.

Joe Phillips: Bulgarian companies are already showing interest with port projects
Head of the Three Seas Initiative Investment Fund, talks to "Capital"

Joe Phillips for the first investments in the "Three Seas" initiative in an interview with BNT
Joe Phillips, Investment Director at Amber Infrastructure Group, exclusive investment advisor to the Three Seas Fund in the show Business.BG

BDB organizes a mini-conference dedicated to the opportunities for funding from the Three Seas Initiative Investment Fund
Българската банка за развитие ще бъде домакин на мини-конференция "Equity for Infrastructure", посветена на възможностите за финансиране от Инвестиционния фонд "Три морета" (3SIIF). Събитието ще се състои на 18 май от 10:00 до 13:00 часа и ще се излъчва онлайн във Фейсбук и Vimeo.

BDB Executives met with the President to discuss the hosting of the Three Seas Initiative
President Rumen Radev met with the Executive Officers of the Bulgarian Development Bank Nikolay Dimitrov and Panayot Filipov to discuss Bulgaria’s hosting of the Three Seas Initiative to improve regional transport, energy and digital connectivity. At the end of last year, BDB joined the Initiative Investment Fund as a Class A shareholder with a commitment of EUR 20 million.