Development banks from 13 countries presented their projects at a photo exhibition in Sofia
BDB presented in the Sofia City Garden a photo exhibition dedicated to key projects supported by development banks and public financial institutions from around the world. The Development Projects Exhibition presented 31 projects by 16 financial institutions, including the German KfW, the Chinese Development Bank, the Council of Europe Development Bank, the Swedish Kommuninvest, and the Norwegian KBN, among others.
The event was opened by Stoyan Mavrodiev, the Chief Executive Officer of the Bulgarian Development Bank, and Marcel Roy, the Secretary General of the European Association of Public Banks.
The exhibition shows the role and support provided by development banks in Europe and around the world, specific to each country, but still little known in our country.Residents and guests of Sofia saw impressive footage presenting large-scale infrastructure projects, such as the city of innovation in China and the biggest wind farm in the North Sea.
The exhibition also presented another specific mission of development banks – to support micro and start-up businesses.
Support for the “Study in order to work“ campaign
The national campaign “Study in order to work” aims to support Bulgarians in overcoming the gap between labour supply and demand in the country.

Support for the teams of the Sofia High School of Mathematics
The Bulgarian Development Bank has turned its support for the teams of the Sofia High School of Mathematics for their participation in international competitions and Olympiads in Mathematics, Informatics and Physics into a long-standing tradition.
Intern program of BDB
In the summer of 2015 we launched the first paid internship program of BDB, through which 17 youngsters have had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the working atmosphere of the only state bank in the country.
Sponsorship of the Training Program for Start-Up Companies in Bulgaria – The Founder Institute
In 2018, BDB supported the fourth edition of the largest training program for start-up companies in Bulgaria – The Founder Institute – Sofia. It is held for four months, during which entrepreneurs are trained how to develop their ideas into a real profitable business.