Vulnerable social groups

BDB with certificate of appreciation for supported Red Cross causes

BDB supported the campaign of the Bulgarian Red Cross for the victims of the war in Ukraine
The Bulgarian Development Bank has always responded to sudden and severe events causing health and humanitarian crises

The Bulgarian Development Bank supported the "Give a Book" Scholarship
This is a programme through which each of the children will have the opportunity, according to their abilities, to set a goal: for example, to learn the multiplication table or to reach A1 level in English

Development of a center for children with special educational needs
Supporting disadvantaged people and contributing to their successful integration into society represents a large part of BDB’s philosophy. Therefore, the Bulgarian Development Bank sponsors the establishment of a dedicated center for children with special educational needs at "Winnie the Pooh" Kindergarten in Stara Zagora.

Bulgarian Christmas
The Bulgarian Development Bank has recognized the "Bulgarian Christmas" as part of its corporate social responsibility and has repeatedly supported the initiative.

Provision of equipment for the computer hall at the “Asen Zlatarov“ Home for Children Deprived of Parental Care
The Bulgarian Development Bank supports the application of modern technology in the educational process and the opportunity for an equal start of all children.