
Bulgarian Development Bank made an operating profit of BGN 19.5 million in the first quarter of 2022
Bulgarian Development Bank reported a net profit of BGN 19.5 million in the first quarter of the year

BDB presented the government policies for support of green investments
The strategic goal of BDB is to be the Bulgarian bank for sustainable development

BDB’s new products were presented at the Forum “Responsible Manufacturers”
The goal of BDB is not to compete with other banks for clients, but to support sectors that are experiencing problems

Vladimir Georgiev to the “24 Chasa” newspaper: BDB will help the business to overcome the crisis
Regarding the launch of several new products by BDB, Vladimir Georgiev stressed that they are aimed at sectors and...

Zhivko Todorov took part in an international conference dedicated to joint audit
The event was organized by the Commission of Public Oversight of Statutory Auditors

BDB to help firms against rising inflation
With the working capital loans, companies can buy goods and raw materials that are expected to rise in price as a result...

The BDB to collaborate with the National Research and Certification Institute to support Bulgarian rose processors

Business Honoris Causa Award for the Bank's social commitment
At an official ceremony, the Bulgarian Development Bank was awarded the "Business Honoris Causa" Award

A regional digital service centre could be built in Bulgaria with support from the Three Seas Investment Fund
"The success of such investments will attract even more private companies to participate in the Three Seas Fund,"...

BDB supports the campaign of the Bulgarian Red Cross for the victims of the conflict in Ukraine
he Bank expresses its sympathy for the plight of people in need of support at this difficult time.

BDB supported a study of the technology sector in Sofia
The technology sector employs nearly 34 thousand people, whose average wage is 3.4 times higher than the national...